
I have been interested in this word “chaos” for a while. One can listen to the news and think there is so much chaos in our world, but the more I thought about this word and with some of the books I’ve read I have come to realize that there seems to be order in chaos. That’s what this painting is for me. One of the stories was Breathless, by Dean Koontz. It was an interesting study in chaos, and the other was the creation story in Genesis. Wow, talk about some organized chaos, plants were created on day 3, but the sun which is needed to help plants grow and thrive, wasn’t created till day 4. That seems outta order, like I said, order in chaos! So just a little something of how this piece was inspired and were it came from.

chaos 2014

36×36, acrylic on wrapped canvas

One Response to “Chaos”

  1. Reblogged this on elpoliciaco4 and commented:
    Interesante trabajo mezclas


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